Code Rewards Action

Short-term pieces of work

Subject attainment and effort

Pastoral care and extra-curricular activities

Commitment to classwork. 1BFL
Good classwork completed to the best of their ability taking account presentation, accuracy, prompt completion and extension to further their learning.
Commitment to homework.
Show a high level of courtesy, respect and helpfulness for the benefit of others and the school community.
Improved attendance.
Improved literacy/ Improved numeracy.
Reading and speaking out in lessons/improved attitude to learning
Improved behaviour/ Helping staff
Maintaining >95% attendance.  Termly
Attendance at an extra-curricular activity.
Demonstrating increased resilience
Being exceptionally resourceful
Taking ownership and being a responsible learner
Being ready to learn and make effective contributions to the classroom environment
Being particularly reflective and able to learn from their mistakes in order to move forward with their learning

Outstanding work rate and effort.

Outstanding presentation of a piece of work in line with school’s marking policy 2BFLs
Excellent progress in topic or subject.
Supportive of peers in class or activity.
Maximum involvement in lessons.
Regular attendance and positive participation in subject specific clubs.
Taking ownership of their learning, project or activity.
Maintaining >98% attendance. Termly
Commitment to extra-curricular activity.
Excellent effort.
Representing tutor group.

Awarded for consistent effort, work rate and completion of work to an exceptional standard

Excellent progress made in an area linked to school initiatives. 3BFLs
House competition participation.
Helpful to staff in class or around school.
Demonstrating excellence in learning, attitude or behaviour.
Good citizen- being a role model to their peers in school or community.
100% attendance
Spiritual life contribution.
100% attendance
A charitable act worthy of special praise
R4 Excellent citizen- being a role model to their peers in school and /or community. 4BFLs
Engagement in community activity or project.
Leading by example
Going above and beyond e.g. helping staff at after school event-Parents evening, Transition evening.
R5 Student of the Month

Students with the highest number of merit points in each form group will receive the student of the month award. They are awarded a personal certificate. A praise letter is sent home to inform parents and 10 points will be added to the students achievement account. Certificates are issued to students in the schools achievement assemblies.

Non Form tutors to nominate a student of the month also.

R6 Student of the Term

Students are nominated for this award for a combination of reasons. Highest merit point total, consistently producing an outstanding piece of work, consistently demonstrating good behaviour within the classroom, a marked improvement in content, presentation of work over a sustained period of time, meeting particular targets e.g. PBA completion, meeting attendance targets etc. A praise letter is sent home to inform parents. Certificates are issued in the schools termly achievement assemblies.