Governor Strategic Priorities: 2023-2024
- To enhance the existing provision for the health, safety and well-being of students, parents and colleagues, through a constant culture of encouragement.
- To build-upon the current integration of Character Education, across the curriculum, as a key platform to improve all-round student holistic progress.
- To nurture present initiatives aimed at developing student self-confidence, resilience, and pride in achievement, especially through literacy. And, in the process, look for creative ways to help incentivise those who are persistently absent.
- To explore how contribution of SEND students our community can be highlighted further and develop their specific gifts and talents as a result.
- To foster links with the other MAC schools, so that best practice can be mutually shared for the benefit of students and staff.
- To build upon the growth of our student expansion programme, by considering the potential for post-sixteen provision at Holy Trinity School, through its relationship with Archbishop Ilsley School.
- To broaden our current curriculum through new subject areas, to facilitate Character Education, such as like drama and the vocational/apprenticeship potential of engineering.