Following the Ofsted Inspection in November 2014 the Governing Body commissioned a full review into Pupil Premium Spending. The review was conducted by Wendy Tomes Executive Head of the Sidney Stringer Multi Academy Trust and Vicky Shelley Senior vice Principal of Sidney Stringer Academy. Wendy is an approved Pupil Premium reviewer and Sidney Stringer is one of 122 schools nationally to be awarded the KS4 pupil premium prize in 2015 and one of only 27 schools to reach the National Final. Both schools have a very similar profile of disadvantaged pupils.
The review identified some strengths and some areas for development. Please find a summary below. If you would like to read the Detailed summary of Pupil Premium External Review – March 2015 – Click here.
Some of the strengths were |
Some areas to develop even further |
Heads of Year that we met were impressive and knew the students in their year groups very well and were clearly focussing on PPG. | Have a strategy for ensuring that all of those eligible for FSM do sign up for it. |
There have been no NEETS for a number of years. All students including PPG are supported well to ensure that they have a positive destination | Individual targets need to be more specific |
The students are very proud of their school and feel that the majority of staff want them to do well | Having set out a range of desired outcomes in the PPG plan and put smart success criteria against them the leader needs to evaluate these strategies and assess how successful each of the strategies is in relation to the targets set. |
There are new systems that have been recently implemented that are showing potential to track and monitor impact such as the class action plans, the introduction of SISRA online and the recent training and 3is. These systems now need to be embedded and exploited. | Invest in more books for the library to support the AR programme |