As part of Our School’s Mission Statement, it states ‘all are respected as equal and where differences are celebrated.’ As a Catholic School, we seek to fulfill Jesus’ example by loving God and loving our neighbour. It is through the example of Jesus Christ that we can create a safe and caring environment for learning, displaying the qualities of equality, respect and togetherness.
This gospel message is embedded in our Mission Statement, and we welcome all children, regardless of faith background, to share in our faith community. At Holy Trinity we do not focus on ‘what ‘we are but focus on ‘who’ we are. Everyone in our community is unique, special and made in the image of God. We apply the theology of Catherine of Siena and use her metaphor of the reflection in the mirror. When we look in the mirror we see the reflection of God, This does not matter if it is Boy, Girl, Muslim, Jew, Heterosexual, Homosexual, Transgender or any societal named group that is looking in that mirror. We are all inclusive and Holy Trinity teaches all ways of life, providing pupils with the facts needed to make informed decisions. Pupils find their own path but learn to respect all people who may choose to travel another way. All paths lead back to God, Sola fide. When speaking of the greatest commandment, Jesus stated that it was simply to ‘love thy neighbour’. There is no caveat to or any kind of differentiation in this statement. We simply love one another as emphasised in our school mission and motto: ‘Learn to Love, Love to Learn’. The ‘who’ we are is determined by our ability to act with kindness, to love one another and to treat uniqueness with peace, respect and tolerance.
The Spiritual Life of the school is led by a committee which consists of senior members of staff, Governors, the R.E department and teachers from other departments .
Developing the Spiritual life of the school remains our top priority, and we continue to celebrate the unique Catholic nature of the school.