Our expectations
- Assistant Head teacher of Personal Development- Ms Hodson
- Attendance Leader- Mrs Mallett
- Head of Year 7- Mr Elia
- Head of Year 8- Mrs White
- Head of Year 9- Mrs Chan
- Head of Year 10- Mrs Smith
- Head of Year 11- Mr Mahmood and Mrs Hayle
Persistent absence
Protocols for reporting absence
If no contact is made by the parent/carer then the school will make first day contact via text message and or a phone call from the schools pastoral team, the information will be recorded and the register altered accordingly.
First day absence calling forms part of our safeguarding procedures. It is vital that school is kept informed and up to date with accurate emergency contact details for all students. Please contact the school office if your contact phone number or address changes.
Students who are absent for 20 school days could risk losing their place at Holy Trinity. The Local Authority will be informed of any child who has been absent without explanation for 10 consecutive days. If deemed appropriate, the school will submit referrals to external agencies, including the IFTS team (Integrated Family Support Teams) and Children’s services. School is obligated to record all actions that have been taken.
The attendance and pastoral team will carry out home visits as part of our keeping in touch and well being checks.
It is important that we maintain high expectations with regards to punctuality.
- Students must be in form or assembly by 8.30am
- Student arriving after 8.30am, are late and will be issued with a late mark and detention
- Please inform the school office as soon as possible if you know that your child is going to be late
- Students who arrive late, and after the gate has closed should report to main reception or to the Attendance Office depending on the circumstance
- Any pupil arriving after 9.10 am without a valid reason will be marked as unauthorised (U). This will have a negative impact on their attendance record.
Please read this important update for all Parents/Carers regarding school attendance for the new academic year , please see below:
Important Attendance Information for 2024-25
Important attendance information 2023_24
Useful links for parents and carers:
Please read the attached link regarding important changes to the penalty notice legislation relating to poor school attendance. These changes come into effect August 2024, if you have any queries please contact the attendance team.
Birmingham City Council national framework for penalty notices for school absence letter
National Framework for Penalty Notices for school absence FAQ