On rare occasions, emergencies occur that make it necessary to close the school. Also, once the winter season approaches, we may be subject to heavy snow falls. Every attempt is made to keep the school operating as normal. However, in the event of emergencies or extreme bad weather a decision might be made to close the school. If so, the details will be published on the web site in the Latest News section. It will also be posted on our Twitter Feed. Why not follow our twitter feed at @HolyTrinityCol
The information is also broadcast on local radio stations and is carried on the radio stations’ web sites. Please monitor the following radio stations from 7.00 a.m.and listen for Holy Trinity Catholic School.
Further information on our procedures in the event of snow can be read here
FREE – 96.4 FM
Heart – 100.7 FM
BBC WM – 95.6 FM
Any information about the closure of the school will be published on the web site immediately the decision is made. The school will also use the automated system to send a message to parents to notify about any school closure due to bad weather.
See the local weather forecast from the Met Office below.
This weather forecast is generated by the Met Office Weather Widget