At Holy Trinity, our vision for reading is encompassed in our motto of Learn to Love, Love to Learn.

Reading is a navigator and allows young people the opportunity to learn, acquire new understanding, meaning and knowledge and one of our priorities as a school is to ensure that our students love reading and embrace learning through reading.

Please click below to see in full the vision for our pupils at Holy Trinity.

Reading Vision at HTC September 2024


Reading is the best way for students to improve their literacy skills. At Holy Trinity, we are dedicated to promoting the importance and enjoyment of reading across all subjects.
To help students and parents understand and support our reading ethos, we have listed some of our minimum expectations for reading below:

  • All students are expected to read for a minimum of 10 minutes
    every day.
  • Students are expected to regularly update their reading books.
    This should be done as soon as a book is finished. The LRC is
    open to all students before school (from 8am), break and lunch
    time, as well as after school (until 4pm).
  • Students are expected to bring their reading book to school
    with them every day.

We have created a suggested reading list below for all KS3 students. It is recommended that every student from Year 7-Year 9 will read at least one book from the list during each half term. Some books have been chosen that specifically link to different subject areas and to enhance their understanding of the curriculum. These have been
indicated on the lists below. All books listed are available to borrow in the LRC and can also be accessed digitally using ‘Sora’- an online library which is free for all students to use. To access Sora, search on your web browser and log in using your school email address.

Winners Spooky Stories competition ppt 2024


September 2024

Please click below for our KS3 suggested reading list and details of our minimum reading expectations


We have created a suggested reading list for all KS3 students. It is
recommended that every student from yr7-yr9 will read at least
one book from the list during each half term. Some books have
been chosen that specifically link to different subject areas and to
enhance their understanding of the curriculum. These have been
indicated on the lists below.



Story Winners Ppt 2024






World Book Day 2024 Winners and Photos!


Spring 2 KS3 Suggested reading- ppt






Well done to our Spooky Story winners. We hope you enjoy your prizes! We really have seen exceptionally high quality entries this year. Click the link below to see names of winners and some of the brilliant stories submitted.

Winners ppt 2023


This year, we will again be running the Spooky Story competition.
All students can enter. The 3 winners will all receive book prizes (see powerpoint below for prize information). Pupils need to write a 500 word scary story and hand in to Mrs Smith by the deadline: Thursday 26th October. 
Good luck all!

Spooky Stories competition ppt



Our recommended reading list for 2023 2024
Reading Expectations- KS3
Our Breis competition winners announced!
BREIS competition winners
Our pupils had a wonderful day today at the Library of Birmingham and they were all so well behaved and engaged in the activities that it really was a pleasure to spend the afternoon with them! We even had a chance to stop off on the way at Black Sabbath Bridge. (Thank you to Mrs Smith for organising this visit and to Mr Hawkeswood for driving the minibus and taking part in the scavenger hunt!)


Story Winners Ppt 2023



Years 7, 8 and 9 had a wonderful time on Tuesday 9th May in the hall with our special visitor, Breis. Breis (pronounced ‘Breeze’) is a rap artist and writer who came into school to perform for our KS3 students.  Thank you to all the staff that supported and to our fantastic students who were brilliant and seemed to really enjoy it! Breis was inspirational, motivational and engaging and did an excellent job at relating to our students.
All details and a video are on the powerpoint below. Enjoy having a look at some of the photos below!

(click here to find out more about Breis)















































The results are in! Another fantastic competition at Holy Trinity with some very high quality entries. Well done to all who took part.  Please click below to find out more and see a sample of  some of our superb entries and winners…

World Poetry Day Winner and Entries (click here)


World Book Day 2023!!

Mrs Smith and Mrs Stafford want to thank everyone for the wonderful effort that was today’s World Book Day.
A special thank you to Science and Humanities for putting such thought into their themes- your costumes, decorations and activities all looked amazing!
And a massive well done to the Maths department for winning the Department Theme competition! So many pupils commented on how amazing the Maths corridor was, and they all looked incredible in their costumes! Enjoy your prize!
The students did a fantastic job getting into the spirit of the day. Here are a list of our winners:
The Form door winners: 
7P- Ms Naz
8A- Miss Ormsby
8R- Ms Jones
9S- Mrs Smith
(As there were no yr10 entrants, two yr8 forms have been chosen to receive the prize)
Student fancy dress winner: Maisha Hussain (yr10)- won a reading goody bag

Runners up: Iman Khan (yr10) and Aatifa Ramzan (yr8)- both won books

As is now our long-standing tradition, Mrs Stafford provided a story broken into five sections to be read in each lesson to our pupils.   The students really enjoy this aspect (and so did the teachers!) The story this year was a tale of what happens to a very unpleasant boy! Gruesome enough for Years 8-11!
There was also a pop up book shop in the LRC at break time.
Thanks again for all of your enthusiasm and support in making this year’s World Book Day a special celebration throughout school.





We are delighted to have been able to gift all of our year 7 students with a book this Christmas, thanks to our Secret Book Saint scheme. Please see below for more information.

Secret Book Saints at Holy Trinity Catholic School


Paired reading

Spooky Story Competition Winners October 2022

Well done to our spooky story winners- click here for some terrifying stories!

Adisa the Verbaliser visits Holy Trinity on World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day visit from Adisa the Verbaliser

Year 8 student’s article inspired by First News

Inspired by First News, Inaya in Year 8 has shown her passion for journalism by writing this wonderful article exploring Worker’s Rights:
Worker’s Rights Article
and a further article based on bullying:
Bullying Article

Share a Story Competition Winners

Congratulations to our Share a Story Competition Winners- students have won a trip to the Library of Birmingham. Some wonderful entries and such a variety of books chosen as favourites. Please see the link below for winners and their book reviews or extracts from their favourite books:
Share a Story Competition Winners

Birmingham Library Rewards Trip

Winners of our Share-A-Story month competition had a wonderful time at the Library of Birmingham on Friday 8th July. See below for more information

Library of Birmingham Trip