At Holy Trinity we want our students to strive to be the best that they can be. As part of our curriculum we want to develop our students to be resilient, responsible, resourceful, reflective and always ready to learn. Developing confident, creative and independent young people that will be ready to compete in the modern world, is a key facet behind what we do.

We have recently revised our homework policy and have provided more opportunities for students to develop key skills required for success at the end of KS4. Homework will focus on developing a thirst and love for learning beyond the classroom, whilst also developing independent learners.


At Key stage 3 homework will include:

  • Revision for low stake tests
  • Flipped learning i.e. research for a new topic
  • An independent homework project set each half term
  • Reading as part of the Accelerated Reader programme (All of Y7 and 8 will take part in AR and some Y9 students) – students must read for at least 20 minutes every evening.

Independent projects:

Each half-term subject areas will take it in turns to set an independent homework project. Projects will involve students using their research, literacy and creative thinking skills- encouraging them to think outside of the box! Students will have around 4-5 weeks to complete their homework projects and will be informed by their teacher about when the homework is due in. Copies of all homework projects can be found on the school website for students to download, if needed.

Once homework is complete, teachers will reward students with an R0, R1 or R2.

  • R0- homework is completed to a satisfactory level (no BFL point is awarded)
  • R1- homework is completed to a good standard (1 BFL point is awarded)
  • R2- homework is completed to an excellent standard (2 BFL points awarded)

Those students receiving R1’s and R2’s will have the opportunity to be entered into separate prize draws and receive additional rewards.

Students failing to complete homework will be issued with an H0 and will be closely monitored by their subject teacher, Head of Year and the Senior Leadership team.


In Years 10 and 11, students will be set traditional homework to support their studies and preparation for GCSE’s and Technical Awards. This will be set frequently and at the discretion of the subject teacher. Students will be rewarded for exemplary efforts using the behaviour for learning system. Failure to complete homework will result in consequences.


Sept-Oct Oct-Dec Jan-Feb Feb-Mar Apr-May Jun-Jul


Year 7




Food Tech

Product Design


















 Technology and Computing




Year 8

Art and Design

Food Tech

Product Design 



















Art and Design


Year 9



Food Tech


 Product Design


















