19 Mar

Date Event
W/ c 8th March Core subjects
W/c 22nd March Option subjects
24th and 25th March 3pm-7pm Parents Evening
W/ c 29th March Core subjects
19th April INSET Day

·         School closed to pupils

·         Teachers to plan for year 11 final assessments

·         Moderation of year 11 work

·         Data capture 2 – year 11

20th April Option subjects
23rd April Data capture 2 analysis to Heads of Faculty
26th April Core subjects
W/ c 3rd May Final Assessments
W/ c 10th May Final Assessments
W/c 17th May Marking and Moderation

·         Marking and departmental moderation/ QA of data

·         Preparation for DC3

24th – 25th May Data capture 3 – Final Data capture for year 11
28th May Data capture 3 analysis to Heads of Faculty
W/c 7th June SLT discussions

·         Review, validate and amend data if necessary.

9th June Year 11 last day
16th June Internal deadline for data to be submitted
18th June All data to be submitted to exam boards


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