06 Jul
On arrival and departure at school follow instructions and enter the school building as directed.
- We all need to minimise contact with individuals who are unwell. If you have any Covid-19 symptoms, tell your parents immediately and do not attend school. Contact your GP to arrange a possible test.
- If you feel ill at school you must tell a teacher immediately so your parents can be contacted.
- You do not need to wear face coverings when you are at school, but you will be supported if you choose to wear them. Remember that you might have to use them by law if using public transport.
- We all need to use the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach. If you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth with your elbow and if you can, carry a tissue, use to catch the cough or sneeze, dispose it in a waste bin and then kill the remaining viruses by washing hands and using hand sanitiser.
- On arrival wash your hands using the sanitiser provided
- Do not gather at the entrance when arriving or departing
- · Line up and keep a sensible distance before entering a building
- Always aim to keep a sensible distance with other students and staff when moving around buildings or when lining up.
- Do not enter the toilets if there is already someone in there. Wait outside until it is your turn.
- Please follow all instructions as given by staff- these are in place to keep you and everyone safe. We look forward to seeing you!