26 Sep
Update for parents and carers: Monday 26th September 2022 – Friday 25th November 2022
Last Monday’s funeral of Queen Elizabeth, marked a significant end, to what was an extraordinary era of longstanding service and commitment.
Through Queen Elizabeth’s great earthly example of stoicism, we move forward now and look to a new beginning.
‘Each day is a new beginning, I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings and to put my trust in God’ (Queen Elizabeth 11).
We pray for all parents, pupils, staff and stakeholders, as we begin a new era at the outset of this academic year.
Prayer of St Teresa of Avila:
‘Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you. All things are passing away. God never changes. Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing’ Amen.
Welcome back!
Pupils and staff have returned to school reinvigorated following their summer break! I would like to extend a very warm welcome to parents who have children with us at Holy Trinity for the first time. I look forward to speaking with you in the days and weeks ahead. We are delighted with our GCSE summer performance and wish all of our leavers the very best, as they embark upon the next stages of their education. Despite huge challenges, pupil
performance continues to ascend on a positive trajectory. Pupil progress is consistently positive and exceeding of national expectation, pupil attainment continues to rise and overall results, presented a remarkable 11% increase in the number of children achieving the standard basics in English and Maths. Well-done to our fantastic young people who showed great resilience and determination to make this happen. As a school, we always strive for further improvement and the hard work has started in earnest with our new Year 11 cohort. With thanks to parents who attended our ‘Information Evening’ last Thursday. Our partnership, continues to be at the foundation of all that we achieve. Holy Trinity, is well placed, to sustain further improvement in the future.
Well-done to the following Year 11 pupils:
Newly elected ‘Senior Prefect Leadership Team’
Head boy Zakareeya Taher
Head Girl Ruqayya Zaman
Deputy Head boy Saif Khan Qusai Khashan
Deputy Head girl Hana Ahmed Amy Hussain
Our senior prefect leaders, will be expertly supported by an additional 38 pupils who will act as Senior Prefects. This is a Holy Trinity record number of Year 11s engaged in this vital work!
Ofsted Inspection Update:
An Ofsted Inspection remains overdue and we can expect to go through this process as a community, in due course. Parents will be informed immediately via text and later through letter, when we receive confirmation of an Ofsted visit. We will do what we always ask of our children, which is to give ‘our very best’. As parents, you will be invited to complete a ‘Parental Questionnaire’ as part of the inspection, similar to what you complete in school during every Progress / Information Evenings. We welcome the opportunity for parents to have their view and will inform you immediately about how you access the questionnaire. I will keep you informed of all inspection developments throughout this year.
A reminder of our High Standards and Expectations for this coming year:
· Pupils are reminded of our ‘no hands’ policy which is in place to protect the safety of all.
· Pupils must have a blazer, tie and shirts to be tucked in at all times.
· Pupils must wear plain black footwear without any coloured logos/laces.
· Pupils will no longer be permitted to arrive to school in their PE Kits, they will have access to our new Sports Hall facilities for changing.
· Pupils must have a planner/day planner and at least a clear pencil case containing essential items such as:
o black/blue pen
o green pen
o pencil
o ruler
o rubber
· Punctuality to form time and lessons must be excellent.
· PE kit must be in line with our Uniform policy, there should be no branding on kits as they must be plain.
· Hoodies are not permitted to be worn, all coats/jackets must be worn on top of blazers.
· Jackets/coats must be plain with no large branding, denim jackets and gilets are not permitted to be worn in School.
· There must be no piercings or jewellery worn – pupils will be asked to remove them – clear plastic studs can be worn.
· Students must be highly organised ensuring Homework and other tasks are completed on time when set by their teachers.
Punctuality Update from Ms Hodson (Assistant Headteacher):
We have had a great start back to the new academic year. It has been lovely seeing our pupils and families back with us. We are taking this opportunity to communicate an update regarding our systems around punctuality to school. Pupils must arrive to school by 8.40am. If your child arrives after 8.40am, they are late and will receive an L1 detention at break time for 15 minutes. If your child fails to attend their break time detention it will be escalated to a 30-minute detention afterschool on a Thursday. Failure to comply, will result in further sanctions. Further information regarding attendance and punctuality can be found on this website. Good attendance and punctuality will support progress and achievement. Thank you for your continued support.
A regular reminder regarding car parking:
In a regular reminder, it is important to remember, that driving and parking near our Oakley Road Entrance Point, continues to be highly problematic at ‘drop off’ and ‘collection’ times. This is something that we continue to work on with local residents to improve. I am delighted that our newly elected Year 11 Senior Prefect Team, are devising a strategy to see what we can do as a community to help with this situation. Ensuring that all pupils enter and exit the School Building safely, is a number on priority. I ask that parents continue to be patient and understanding of this situation as we all endeavour to support one another as best as possible. Thank you.
Some key dates for up and coming events:
Thursday 13th October Re-arranged Sports Day following summer postponement due to heatwave.
Friday 14th October Parent Association Meeting in school or virtual (9.30 – 11.00)
Thursday 20th October Year 7 Settling in Evening (3.45pm onwards)
Friday 21st October School breaks up for half-term
Monday 31st October Staff INSET Day.
Tuesday 1st November Pupils return to school 8.40
Tuesday 1st November Nadia Drakes (Ross) Memorial Mass (3.30pm)
Friday 18th November
Year 7 ‘Welcome’ Mass (9.00am). Parents of Year 7, warmly invited to attend. Followed by refreshments!
Thursday 24th November Year 10 Parents’ Evening (3.45pm onwards)
The continued strong partnership between school and home, is at the foundation of the successes that we continue to celebrate.
‘At Holy Trinity, we want all pupil to be able to leave with a world of opportunities at their feet; for them to reach their fullest of potentials; to believe in themselves, and to achieve their wildest dreams’.
Thank you for your continued support.
Wishing all of our community a restful, peaceful and happy summer break.
Mr Crehan
Headteacher: Holy Trinity Catholic School
Monday 26th September 2022