11 Nov

Dear parents,

Thank you for your continued patience and support with school during these challenging times. At the outset of this next half-term, we have to accept that the challenges will remain as the world continues to adapt to this global health emergency.

It is with regret that I inform you that a pupil in teaching class bubble 7R has tested positive for Covid19. As a result of this, the rest of the pupils in this class will now go home and isolate until Wednesday 18th November.

It is with regret that I inform you that a pupil in teaching bubble 11R has also tested positive for Covid19. As a result of this, the rest of the pupils in this class will now go home and isolate until Wednesday 25th November.

We pray for our pupils who have contracted this virus and for all around the world who continue to suffer during this pandemic.

An important letter containing all of the essential health and safety messages has been given to pupils to share with parents.

A special word of praise for all pupils in 7R and 11R  who have shown huge empathy and maturity beyond their years, in how they have responded to all instructions given from staff today. They are a real credit to their parents and we are very proud that they attend Holy Trinity.

Pupils who are isolating, have been given a comprehensive plan for their studies, to continue learning while they are at home and isolating. The plan mirrors the curriculum work that would have been covered in school. Pupils have been provided with all paper based resources and have been given details of how and when they can access online resources and teaching. It is recommended that pupils follow this plan as instructed and by doing this, time away from school can be productive and not wasted. In this very important year of study, strong motivation and a positive work ethic is required to be successful. Pupils are to bring in all completed work upon their return to school after half-term on

 A reminder of our repeated safety message:

Coronavirus main symptoms: a high temperature or fever, a new, continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.

If your child is displaying any kind of Coronavirus symptom , they must stay at home for 10 days. If a member of your household is displaying any symptoms, the whole family must stay at home and isolate for 14 days. In both instances, ensure that you book a book a test immediately when  displaying symptoms by using the online system or by ringing 119 if you are unable to book online. We would advise that you notify school in the event that your child or a family member receives a positive test. Please contact school if you are unable to access a test for any reason.

A reminder that this Friday (13th) is an INSET day and all children are to remain at home.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding with school during these difficult times.

Mr Crehan