13 May
Update for parents and carers: Monday 16th May 2022 – Thursday 21st July 2022
We continue to pray for an end to conflict in our world. We pray for the peace and prosperity of all persons, made in the image and likeness of Christ. In times of challenge, we seek comfort in these scared words of scripture:
‘Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in me’ (John 14: 1-6)
As a school community, we continue to be inspired by the words of our Academy Patron, St Teresa of Calcutta:
‘Love cannot remain by itself, it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service’.
Covid Update:
At Holy Trinity, we are applying the principles of these words as we ‘learn to live’ with Covid:
‘Learning to live with Covid, does not mean ignoring it’
We continue to make discretionary safety choices in the best interests of ourselves and one another.
Year 11 GCSE exam season Monday 16th May – Monday 27th June.
Pupils in Year 11, have worked incredibly hard in these remaining weeks, in anticipation of GCSE external exams beginning. Pupils have been smart with their revision, have focused diligently upon completing past papers and have become highly skilled, in interpreting mark schemes used in previous years. Pupil attendance to ‘Extra Tuition’ sessions after school, during holidays and even during their weekends, has been exemplary. The average attendance for ‘Extra Tuition’. is at 98.4%, which is incredible! As you are aware and in line with our standard practice, pupils will remain in school until exams have been completed. This practice allows for pupils to have access to teaching specialists and all of the resources necessary to support with their achievement. Time in school missed as a result of the pandemic, has strengthened the belief in this practice being the right thing to do. I am delighted that funding has allowed for us to support youngsters in Year 11 to receive a ‘free breakfast’ from 7.50 each and every morning, throughout this exam season. Parents, you continue to play a huge part in supporting with the positive mind-set adopted by pupils during this process. Collectively, we offer encouragement and a call for ‘calm’. It is now very much time for our pupils to shine and we wish them all the very best success in the weeks ahead!
‘At Holy Trinity, we want all pupil to be able to leave with a world of opportunities at their feet; for them to reach their fullest of potentials; to believe in themselves, and to achieve their wildest dreams’.
With thanks to parents and carers of Year 8 pupils.
It was wonderful to finally get to welcome parents and carers into school this week for ‘Progress Evening’. The disruption of these past two years, has meant that more conventional practices of in supporting with KS3 transition, had either been changed or cancelled completely. It is with every credit that pupils in Year 8 have made such a positive start to life in Holy Trinity, despite the very different induction that they had received. In my talk to parents, I highlighted school plans to move to a two week timetable from September 2022. This change is to accommodate increased statutory requirements in several curriculum areas. Thankfully this change is not on a huge scale and the adjustment will allow for a broad and balanced curriculum to be maintained for all youngsters. Pupils in Year 8 will be carrying out work in the coming months in preparation for choosing their Option Subjects during Year 9.
New Parents Association at Holy Trinity
Building upon the success of our recent first meeting, there will be a further meeting taking place in school on Friday 1st July (9.15 – 10.45). This meeting is open to all parents, regardless of whether you attended the first meeting or not. Biscuits and refreshments will be provided!
A reminder of Standards and Expectations:
· Uniform: Students are to remove hoodies/jumpers being worn under coats. Ties will need to be purchased when they are broken or lost. Shirts must be tucked in.
· Equipment – Pencil cases: Students are to be fully equipped to ensure they are ready to learn going into period 1. It is important that pupils bring a clear and refillable water bottle to school at all times, but especially during these summer months.
· Jewellery – No earrings/studs or rings are permitted.
· Headphones/Pods – Are not allowed in lessons and should be taken off before students enter classrooms.
· Mobile Phones – Are to remain switched off and should be in coats/bags before students enter classrooms. If phones are confiscated, they will be left in Reception for students to collect at the end of the day.
· Routines – Students are to display planners and pencil cases on desks during form time / lessons. Coats must be removed before they enter a classroom.
· Punctuality – Students are to arrive at school at 8.40 and ensure they arrive to lessons on time. Students who are continually late will receive intervention from their Head of Year.
A regular reminder regarding car parking:
In a regular reminder, it is important to remember, that driving and parking near our Oakley Road Entrance Point, continues to be highly problematic at ‘drop off’ and ‘collection’ times. Ensuring that all pupils enter and exit the School Building safely, is a number on priority. I ask that parents continue to be patient and understanding of this situation as we all endeavour to support one another as best as possible. Thank you.
Some key dates and information for up and coming events:
Saturday 14th May Year 11’Extra Tuition’: English & RE
Monday 16th May GCSE’s begin
Friday 27th May Diocesan Visit in RE (R Smith)
Friday 27th May Break up for half-term holiday
Monday 30th May Year 11 ‘Extra Tuition’: English
Wednesday 1st June Year 11 ‘Extra Tuition’: Science & HSC
Thursday 23rd June Year 11 Sports Event (pm)
Thursday 23rd June Year 7 Parents Evening
Friday 24th June ‘World Culture Day’: Staff and pupils to wear own clothes / cultural dress Year 11 Leavers Mass 10.00am followed by
Leavers Assembly at 11.30
Monday 27th June Last formal day of GSCE exams with one pupil sitting a written exam in Portuguese. (Wednesday 29th June is set aside as a contingency day should any exams have been missed)
Monday 27th June Inset Day: Form Tutor Report Writing / SLT Planning. (Pupils at home on this day).
Friday 1st July Parent Association Meeting in school: 9.15 – 10.45.
Wednesday 6th July Transition Day for new Year 7 /Settling in Evening
W/C 11th -15th July All reports to be sent home to parents
Thursday 14th July Year 11 Prom at Edgbaston Cricket Ground from 6.00pm.
Tuesday 19th July Sports Day: All Year Groups
Wednesday 20th July Last day of academic year for pupils. Staff and pupils to wear own clothes and donate to charity. Extended tutor time followed by Year 9 & Year 10 Mass: 10.00 – 10.50. Year 7 & Year 8 Mass: 11.30 – 12.20. Pupils to be dismissed to start their summer holiday at 12.30.
Thursday 21st July INSET Day: Planning for Academic Year 2022 / 2023.
Please look out for updated information as we progress towards the end of this academic year. Regular reminders will be sent via text message.
The continued strong partnership between school and home, is at the foundation of the successes that we continue to celebrate.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Crehan