28 Feb
Update for parents and carers: Tuesday 29th March 2022:
We continue our Lenten Journey in prayer:
Lord God, our light and our salvation, we praise you for your gifts of life and faith.
We thank you for the desire that you have planted in our hearts, our yearning to see your face.
Help us to meet you in prayer, to walk in your ways, and to speak to others of our joy and consolation in your presence.
Give us faithfulness in this present life so that we may come to know and praise your beauty, with all our brothers and sisters, in the life to come.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.
As a school community, we continue to be inspired by the words of our Academy Patron, St Teresa of Calcutta:
‘Love cannot remain by itself, it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service’.
Covid Update:
At Holy Trinity, we are applying the principles of these words as ‘learn to live’ with Covid:
‘Learning to live with Covid, does not mean ignoring it’
We continue to make discretionary safety choices in the best interests of ourselves and one another.
Year 11 Progress Evening: Wednesday 30th March 2022
We look forward to meeting with Year 11 parents for what will be a final ‘Progress Evening’ in school. After almost 5 years of very effective partnership, we look to collaborate once more in support of our youngsters preparing for summer GCSE exams. In addition to meeting with Subject Teachers and Pastoral Staff, we will be providing an opportunity for parents to come and listen to a short talk with me at either 4.30 or 5.3O in our new Dance Studio. Appointments with staff will focus on providing youngsters with key information about ‘how’ they can improve in these remaining weeks. Pupils will receive their latest Progress Overview, Revision Information and some Stationary & Resources, to support with exam preparation.
At Holy Trinity we want every Year 11 pupil to be able to leave with a world of opportunities at their feet; for them to reach their fullest of potentials; to believe in themselves, and to achieve their wildest dreams.
This will be the first opportunity for parents to experience our new and improved facilities! We look forward to showcasing a number of areas following three years of design, planning and construction!
New Parents Association at Holy Trinity
If you are interested in hearing a little bit more, there will be a short virtual meeting via ‘Zoom’ on Wednesday 6th April at 4.00pm. Please contact Reception to confirm your attendance and share your email address, in order to receive the link. Thank you in advance for your time and commitment towards this new parental initiative.
A reminder of Standards and Expectations:
- Uniform: Students are to remove hoodies/jumpers being worn under coats, ties will need to be purchased when they are broken or lost, shirts must be tucked in – regular offenders are to be spoken to by their Head of Year.
- Equipment – Pencil cases: Students are to be fully equipped to ensure they are ready to learn going into period 1.
- Planners – Day planners will be issued for those who have lost or are awaiting new planners.
- Jewellery – No earrings/studs or rings are permitted.
- Headphones/Pods – They are not allowed in lessons and should be taken off before students enter classrooms.
- Mobile Phones – They are to remain switched off and should be in coats/bags before students enter classrooms – if phones are confiscated, they will be left in Reception for students to collect at the end of the day.
- Routines – Students are to display planners and pencil cases on desks during form time / lessons. Their coats/bags must be removed before they enter a classroom.
- Punctuality – Students are to arrive at School at 8.40 and ensure they arrive to lessons on time also. Students who are continually late will receive further interventions by their Head of Year.
Holy Trinity staff are very thankful for the support we receive from parents/carers on a daily basis. We look forward to our continued work together to ensure students flourish and achieve their potential.
A reminder regarding car parking:
In a regular reminder, it is important to remember, that driving and parking near our Oakley Road Entrance Point, continues to be highly problematic at ‘drop off’ and ‘collection’ times. Ensuring that all pupils enter and exit the School Building safely, is a number on priority. I ask that parents continue to be patient and understanding of this situation as we all endeavour to support one another as best as possible. Thank you.
Some key dates and information for up and coming events:
Wednesday 6th April: Parent Association Meeting via ‘Zoom’ (4.00pm)
Friday 8th April: Easter Holidays Start. School Closes at 12.15 for pupils
Monday 25th April: Staff INSET. School closed for pupils
Tuesday 26th April: All pupils return to school at 8.40
Monday 2nd May: Bank Holiday. School Closed
Thursday 12th May: Year 8 Parents Evening (in school)
Monday 16th May: Year 11 GCSE Examinations Start
Friday 27th May: End of half-term. School Holiday begins
In addition, Year 11 will receive separate letters regarding ‘Extra Tuition’ during Easter. Please look out for other details regarding extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities shared by Subject Departments.
The continued strong partnership between school and home, is at the foundation of the successes that we continue to celebrate.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Crehan