08 Oct
Update for parents and carers: Friday 8th October 2021:
Our school motto inspires us to ‘Learn to Love’ all people made in equal in the image and likeness of God. We follow the commands of God and love everybody as equals.
We pray for all people who continue to be affected by this Coronavirus pandemic.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our pray.
We pray to our year group patrons to guide and inspire us:
St John Bosco, St John Paul 11, St Catherine of Siena, St Elizabeth of Hungary and St Teresa of Calcutta – pray for us.
Our wonderful pupils have continued with their very positive start to this academic year! Senior Leaders and our Head of Year 11, have been very impressed with ‘Attitudes to Learning’ in Year 11, following a series of visits to lessons during this week. Over 100 lessons have been visited and it is clear that Year 11 pupils appreciate the significance of this year. With thanks to Year 9 Pupils and Parents, following successful and well attended ‘Progress Evening’s’ via ‘School Cloud’ this week. We continue to operate in challenging times and hope to be in a position later in the year, when we can have these meetings ‘face to face’ in school again.
Huge progress continues to be made in our School Expansion Buildings Project! We are on course for new Science Labs, RE Classrooms, School Hall and Dance Studio, to all be open for use after half-term! The project is still on course to be fully completed by January 24th 2022!
It is important to note at this point, that driving and parking near our Oakley Road Entrance Point, remains highly problematic at ‘drop off’ and ‘collection’ times. Ensuring that all pupils enter and exit the School Building safely, is a number one priority. I ask that parents continue to be patient and understanding of this situation as we all endeavour to support one another as best as possible. Thank you.
Young people aged 12 to 15 to be offered a COVID-19 vaccine. The Health and Social Care Secretary has announced that young people aged 12 to 15 in England, will be offered one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, following advice from the four UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs). Vaccination will be offered on our site on Thursday 4th November. We are awaiting further details and receipt of the necessary paperwork. Once received, we will update parents immediately. Like all school-based vaccination programmes, the vaccine will be administered by healthcare staff with appropriate qualifications who are trained in the vaccination of children and young people.
Reminder of some key Covid Safety reminders:
· Children should only isolate if they have tested positive for Covid19. If children have been identified as a ‘close contact’ of someone who has tested positive, they will not be required to isolate but will be ‘advised’ to take a PCR test by NHS Track and Trace.
· Staff and pupils are still expected to remain off from school if they are displaying main Covid symptoms and are advised to book a PCR test. Main symptoms remain; a new or continuous cough, a loss of or change to taste or smell and a high temperature / fever.
· Face coverings are not expected to be worn in school by pupils or staff. School will support pupils and staff who wish to continue wearing a face covering as an additional support in any crowded areas.
· Schools are encouraged to maintain established and strong practices regarding ventilation and hygiene. Pupils and staff to still regularly wash and sanitise their hands. Classroom doors and windows to remain open during lessons.
* Thank you for your continued diligence and support, in maintaining twice weekly Covid tests at home for your children.
A message from Anna Brewer (Chair of Governors).
Holy Trinity is looking to appoint a new Parent Governor. A new Parent Governor would work alongside an already elected Parent Representative, to provide a key perspective on how best to serve the children in our school. Alongside all other Governors, a newly appointed Parent Governor will provide strategic support and expertise to this very important area of school life. If you are interested in taking up this position, please write and return an ‘Expression of Interest’ that outlines your relevant skills and experience. If School receives multiple returns, an election will be held to identify the selected candidate via a democratic vote. Please return your ‘Expression of Interest’ via email to G McLeish GMcLeish@holytrc.bham.sch.uk no later than 3pm on Monday 1st November. If you would like to receive any further information about this position, please make a request via the same email address and an established Governor will be in touch to discuss any questions that you may have. On behalf of all of the Governors, thank you for your interest in this position.
Some key dates and information for this half-term:
· 20th & 21st October: Year 7 ‘Welcome Evening’ using ‘School Cloud’
· 22nd October: Last day of this half-term. Followed by half-term holiday!
· 1st November: INSET Day for Staff only: Performance Management
· 2nd November: Pupils return to school from 8.35.
In addition, please look out for some extra-curricular opportunities that are available to youngsters via information shared by individual Subject Departments.
Please access the School Calendar from this Website for further information.
The continued strong partnership between school and home, is at the foundation of the successes that we continue to celebrate.
Please look out for any further information via text message, pupil email, ‘Microsoft Teams’ messages, updates to this website, or letters posted to your homes.
Best Wishes,
Mr Crehan
Headteacher: Holy Trinity Catholic School
Accounting Officer: St Teresa of Calcutta Multi-Academy Company