25 Aug
Update for parents and carers: Wednesday 25th August 2021:
Our school motto guides us to ‘learn to love’ all people made in equal in the image and likeness of God. We follow the commands of God and love everybody as equals.
We pray for all people who have been affected by the recent earthquake in Haiti.
We pray for all people affected by the continued instability in Afghanistan.
We pray for all people who continue to be affected by this Coronavirus pandemic.
Lord in your mercy.
Hear our pray.
As we prepare to start a new academic year, we pray to our year group patrons to guide and inspire us:
St John Bosco, St John Paul 11, St Catherine of Siena, St Elizabeth of Hungary and St Teresa of Calcutta – pray for us.
Congratulations to Year 11 following their outstanding GCSE performance. Despite unprecedented disruption and challenges, our pupils have once again made significant progress above all national headline performance data. Pupils have shown strong resilience and self-belief in the face of huge adversity and their achievements are thoroughly deserved. We are immensely proud of our pupils who have been a pleasure to work with during these last 5 years. Youngsters will now start their College and Apprenticeship learning and training with the confidence to know that they are ‘Holy Trinity pupils who can achieve anything’. We wish all youngsters every success and happiness in these next stages of their learning and development.
Huge progress is being made in our School Expansion Buildings Project. Our new Sports Hall and Inclusion block are really starting to take shape. Lots more work
sill to be done but we are certainly getting there! Other highlights thus far include the completion of our new and extended School Library. Six new classrooms in St Chad’s building will be ready for pupils to learn in from Tuesday 7th September. The project is still on course to be fully completed by January 24th 2022!
On Tuesday 6th July, the Secretary of State for Education provided an update regarding school provision for young people for September. In summary, the following information was shared:
· Children should not face greater restrictions over and above adults and the wider society.
· From the 16th August, children should only isolate if they have tested positive for Covid19. If children have been identified as a ‘close contact’ of someone who has tested positive, they will not be required to isolate but will be ‘advised’ to take a PCR test by NHS Track and Trace.
· From September: Staff and pupils are still expected to remain off from school if they are displaying main Covid symptoms and are advised to book a PCR test. Main symptoms remain; a new or continuous cough, a loss of or change to taste or smell and a high temperature / fever.
· From September: The use of ‘bubbles’ is to end in all education settings. All pupils at Holy Trinity will follow a full and balanced curriculum and will move around the site in the same way as they did prior to the start of this pandemic.
· From September: Responsibility for contact tracing to be deferred to NHS Track and Trace and not schools.
· From September: There is no requirement for staggered start and end times for pupils. All pupils at Holy Trinity to arrive prior to and ready to start their day at 8.40. All pupils at Holy Trinity to leave at 3pm.
· From September: Face coverings are not expected to be worn in school by pupils or staff. School will support pupils and staff who wish to continue wearing a face covering as an additional support in any crowded areas.
· From September: There are no requirements regarding Social Distancing both indoors and outdoors. Staff and pupils to remain diligent and considerate regarding close physical contact.
· From September: Schools are encouraged to maintain established and strong practices regarding ventilation and hygiene. Pupils and staff to still regularly wash and sanitise their hands. Classroom doors and windows to remain open during lessons.
· From September: Secondary Schools are expected to administer two on site tests for all pupils returning to school. Please read further details below regarding your child’s first test in school.
· Regular and frequent home testing should continue until the end of September. Thank you for your continued support in doing testing at home.
· If there are concerning local outbreaks on a mass scale, previous measures could be reintroduced. This to be determined at a Local Government Level in first instance. We hope and pray that this isn’t the case, but equally remain prepared and ready should the situation change.
A reminder of some key dates and information:
Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd September: INSET days for teachers and staff only.
Monday 6th September: Pupils in Year 7 and Year 11 only will complete a Covid test in school and then return home.
Specific Timings:
8.45-10.15: Year 11 Pupils surname commencing A-L (only)
Pupils to return home after test and to return to school after negative test result on Tuesday 7th Sept.
10.30-12.00: Year 11 Pupils surname commencing M-Z (only)
Pupils to return home after test and to return to school after negative test result on Tuesday 7th Sept.
12.30-2.00: Year 7 Pupils surname commencing A-J (only)
Pupils to return home after test and to return to school after negative test result on Tuesday 7th Sept.
2.15-3.45: Year 7 Pupils surname commencing K-Z (only)
Pupils to return home after test and to return to school after negative test result on Tuesday 7th Sept.
Tuesday 7th September: Pupils in Year 7 and Year 11 resume their learning. Pupils in Year 8 and Year 9 will complete a Covid test in school and then return home.
Specific Timings:
8.45-10:15: Year 9 Surname commencing A-J (only)
Pupils to return home after test and to return to school after negative test result on Wednesday 8th Sept.
10.30-12.00: Year 9 surname commencing K-Z (only)
Pupils to return home after test and to return to school after negative test result on Wednesday 8th Sept
12.30-2.00: Year 8 surname commencing A-K (only)
Pupils to return home after test and to return to school after negative test result on Wednesday 8th Sept
2.15: – 3.45: Year 8 Pupil surname commencing L-Z (only) Pupils to return home after test and to return to school after negative test result on Wednesday 8th Sept
Wednesday 8th September: Pupils in Year 8 and Year 9 resume their learning.
Pupils in Year 10 will complete a Covid test in school and then return home.
Specific timings:
8.45 – 10:15: Year 10 Pupil surname commencing A-L (only)
Pupils to return home after test and to return to school after negative test result on Thursday 9th Sept.
10:30 – 12:00: Year 10 Pupil surname commencing M-Z (only) Pupils to return home after test and to return to school after negative test result on Thursday 9th Sept
Thursday 9th September: Pupils in Year 10 resume their learning.
Please note that pupils are not expected to wear their school uniform when they come in for their first and initial Covid test. Clearly, pupils will resume in wearing their full uniform the following day should they have returned a negative test result.
Mass testing will only be carried out if a fully completed consent form has been returned to school. For pupils in years 8-11 a new consent form does not need to be completed. For pupils in year 7 a fully completed form must
be completed or brought to school on the day of the test. This is in line with Public Health and DFE guidance.
Further text message reminders will be sent over the course of the next 7-10 days.
Following the first round of testing, an additional Covid test will then take place for all youngsters during the school day. Pupils will arrive to school and leave as normal.
We look forward to seeing youngsters in their full school uniform once they return after their first initial Covid test. There have been no changes to our uniform policy for this coming academic year. Pupils are reminded to wear plain black footwear that does not include logos or branding. Pupils should wear plain coloured practical coats and have an appropriate school bag to carry learning materials. Pupils are reminded that all small bags or pouches are prohibited in school. As always, pupils will be expected to be fully equipped with a clear pencil case that includes all essential resources such as a green writing pen for self-assessment.
The continued strong partnership between school and home, is at the foundation of the successes that we continue to celebrate.
Please look out for any further information via text message, pupil email, ‘Microsoft Teams’ messages, updates to this website, or letters posted to your homes.
Wishing you a restful, peaceful and happy ending to this summer break.
Mr Crehan
Headteacher: Holy Trinity Catholic School
Accounting Officer: St Teresa of Calcutta Multi-Academy Company