11 Jun
Update for parents and carers: Friday 11th June 2021
Our school motto guides us to ‘learn to love’ all people made in equal in the image and likeness of God. We follow the commands of God, which are to be loving, peaceful and tolerant.
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let us sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
We continue to operate within full Government and Public Health guidelines for schools.
Thank you for your support this week in adjusting to our plan to reinstate face coverings for all pupils to be worn in communal areas from Wednesday 9th June. Although not mandated, we felt the advice received was too strong to ignore especially as we are now dealing with a new and more transmissible variant of Covid19.
Please continue to support your child in carrying out twice-weekly Covid tests at home. Thank you.
We continue to follow this guidance:
If your child or any of the household are displaying any of the main symptoms of Covid19, such as a new or continuous cough, a high temperature or fever, a loss or change to taste or smell, you are expected to stay at home, isolate and to seek a test.
Our current timings for school start and exit have worked very well since September for a whole host of reasons but principally to support with safety. Our compressed curriculum model has meant that pupils have full subject coverage with no learning time lost. Despite the huge challenges, the quality of education at Holy Trinity remains excellent and at the very highest standard. Key performance indicators are showing very pleasing progress data for pupils in all years. It seems sensible to continue with these timings for the rest of the year with any changes happening in September.
This week we have said ‘farewell’ to our special and wonderful Year 11 youngsters. Youngsters in this year group have been an absolute pleasure to work with over these last 5 years and with much sadness, we wish them all of the very best for their futures. Youngsters are expected to again surpass all previous school records for academic performance this year. Pupils will leave with a well-deserved and stunning set of results but more importantly will leave as citizens who are ready to make a positive impact in our world.
This is part of my closing remarks for Year 11 during our Leavers Mass this week:
‘Wherever you go in your life always remember the following two things: Firstly, ‘Learn to Love, Love to Learn’. If you learn to love all people regardless of any perceived difference, you will lead a blissfully happy life. If you continue to love learning in whatever career path you choose, you will lead a wonderfully successful life. Secondly, I would like you to remember this: ‘I am a Holy Trinity pupil and I can achieve anything’. You will encounter people who will doubt you, they may even put you down, please ignore them and remember that you are capable of achieving anything because you attended Holy Trinity Catholic School and my Headteacher said I could do it’.
Year 11 Parents, thank you for everything. Your support in sending your child to Holy Trinity at a challenging time in the schools journey has been vindicated. Your support of me and the staff in school, will forever be remembered and appreciated.
In other news:
School Expansion Project has started and the site has been transformed! We plan to update our website with footage which tracks the work that is taking place over the coming months. All being well, work will be completed on January 24th 2022.
With great sadness, I announce that there will be no Year 6 Transition Day in July following a Government Directive sent to all schools yesterday.
As we progress through these challenging times together, we must be mindful that our continued collaboration and strong working partnership is the only way in which we can overcome the challenges that are faced.
Our school mission has been strengthened during this pandemic, which is to provide all of our pupils with an excellent education, to support them in achieving absolutely anything that they set their ambition for. There are ‘no limits’ to what can be achieved in our school.
A reminder of some key dates as we approach the end of this academic year:
Friday 16th July: School closes for pupils and they begin their summer break. Pupils to leave in staggered exit times from 12.30 – 12.45.
The start of the following week will be remaining INSET time for staff and will see an acceleration in the school buildings work project.
We are aiming to run a ‘Summer School’ for new Year 7 pupils and children in our current Year 7 who would most benefit from this extra provision from Wednesday 21st July – Friday 30th July. I am happy to announce that we are optimistic about running this very special event!
*If you are a parent of a child who is joining us in September please look out for the information flyer that has been emailed regarding booking a place for this provision. Please email school to reserve your place and we are reminded that this provision is free to families and fully funded by Government and school.
Please look out for further information via text message, pupil email, ‘Microsoft Teams’ messages, updates to this website, or letters posted to your homes.
Thank you for your continued support.
With every best wish for a good weekend.
Mr Crehan