25 Mar

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On Wednesday 20th March we held our first student voice meeting under the leadership of the new Chaplaincy Team who were appointed in late 2018.  Fifty seven students from across years 7,8,9 and 10 represent our students and have voted for which committee they want to be involved in.  The committees are linked to Charities, promoting a smart and tidy school site, healthy eating, School nurse Ambassadors and last but definitely not least The FAB team which is our anti bullying team. All come under the umbrella of Student voice and Catholic Life of the school.

The meeting was very fruitful with all students showing a maturity beyond their years with sensible ideas on how we can improve each area and implement new ideas. Each committee voted in a chair person to lead each meeting and voted for two representatives to share the committee’s ideas and work in whole school assemblies in May.

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 27th March where we will consolidate our ideas and put together a presentation for assemblies and for the Senior Leadership team. The future is very bright and very exciting!  It is a pleasure to work with such passionate and dedicated pupils who want to be heard and play a vital role in the development of the school.

Miss H McKiernan