01 Jan

I will begin in wishing you, all of your families and loved ones, a very happy and healthy New Year. 
Further to information shared just before Christmas, the Government have since revised their plans for school opening for secondary age pupils from Monday 4th January. 

An increase in Covid19 cases, the discovery of a new variant strain of the disease and an ambition for schools to implement mass testing to discover asymptomatic carriers, are the reasons why schools starting back has been delayed. 

As you are aware, we have a scheduled INSET day on Monday 4th January which will mean any eligible children for return, will start from Tuesday 5th January. ​

The plan for school return is a follows:

  •  w/c Tuesday 5th January: Pupils of key workers, pupils with EHC plans, pupils who are looked after, pupils who attend our inclusion provision and other pupils identified as benefitting most from being in, will have face to face lessons in school. Remote and home education resources will be provided for pupils in Year 11. Although discretionary and not mandated, school will also provide remote and home education resources for all other pupils in all other year groups. 
  • w/c Monday 11th January: Pupils of key workers, pupils with a EHC plans, pupils who are looked after, pupils who attend our inclusion provision and other pupils identified as benefitting most from being in, will have face to face lessons in school. Year 11 pupils will return to school for face to face lessons. Remote and home education resources will be provided for pupils in all other year groups. 
  •  w/c Monday 18th January: All pupils in all year groups are back in school for face to face lessons. 

​School will be fully staffed on site from Monday 4th January. 

School will contact parents on Monday 4th January via telephone to confirm that all of the required pupils return to school on Tuesday 5th. 
Logistical information regarding the collection and access of remote and home learning resources for all other pupils in all other year groups will be communicated with parents on Monday 4th January. 

We are delighted with the implementation of our ambition to equip all pupils with their own laptop device to support with remote and home learning. Please contact school should your child require a device. 
Information regarding the collection and dissemination of lunch parcels for pupils who are eligible for free school meals will also be provided on Monday 4th January. 

Mass testing is a huge administrative and logistical task that we are currently planning to ensure its full effectiveness and safety for all. Information will be given to parents before we implement our testing strategy. No child will receive a test in school without the consent of parents. 

As we approach this new year together, we must be mindful that our continued collaboration and strong working partnership is the only way in which we can overcome the challenges that are faced. 
Our school mission has been strengthened during this pandemic which is to provide all of our pupils with a world class education to support them in achieving their ambition to achieve absolutely anything that they set their ambition for. 

With a new strain of Covid19 evidenced to be more highly transmissible, we must continue to take all proactive and preventative measures to ensure the safety of all. If your child or any of the household are displaying any of the main symptoms of Covid19, such as a new or continuous cough, a high temperature or fever, a loss or change to taste or smell, you are expected to stay at home, isolate and to seek a test. 

Please look out for further information via text messages or updates to this website message. 

Thank you in anticipation of your ongoing support in 2021. 

Mr Crehan