14 Jan
Remote learning information by class and Year Group (5th Jan – 22nd Jan 2021)
Year 7
7A 7P 7I 7R and 7E
They have been given a weekly schedule and given a workpack that contains a Maths booklet, a Science booklet, a SPAG booklet for English and an RE booklet. They have also been given a Lockdown Activity booklet to break up their day and there are many nice activities in here for them to complete. Silent reading has also been factored into their weekly plan so please encourage this. Your child will also have work left over from their previous period of isolation last term and this can also be completed where necessary.
If your child has access to the internet and a device, work will be uploaded to Microsoft Teams by their teachers for the other subject areas. Please encourage them to log on and complete this work to give them access to a broad and balanced curriculum. A guide to Microsoft Teams and other remote learning platforms will be published on the website.
Your child’s booklets will be returned to school in approximately two weeks’ time when we will invite you into school to collect a replacement pack of work.
They have been given a weekly schedule and workpack that contains a booklet for all subject areas. In the cover letter, the work is labelled ‘warm’, ‘hot’ and ‘scorching’. Your child can complete the work that is best suited to their ability and confidence.
If your child has access to the internet and a device, some additional work may also be uploaded to Microsoft Teams by their teachers. Please encourage them to log on and complete this work to give them access to a broad and balanced curriculum. A guide to Microsoft Teams and other remote learning platforms will be published on the website.
Your child’s booklets will be returned to school in approximately two weeks’ time when we will invite you into school to collect a replacement pack of work.
Year 8
They have been given a weekly schedule and workpack that contains a booklet for all subject areas. In the cover letter, the work is labelled ‘warm’, ‘hot’ and ‘scorching’. Your child can complete the work that is best suited to their ability and confidence.
If your child has access to the internet and a device, some additional work may also be uploaded to Microsoft Teams by their teachers. Please encourage them to log on and complete this work to give them access to a broad and balanced curriculum. A guide to Microsoft Teams and other remote learning platforms will be published on the website.
Your child’s booklets will be returned to school in approximately two weeks’ time when we will invite you into school to collect a replacement pack of work.
Year 9
9A 9S 9I 9R and 9E
They have been given a weekly schedule and workpack that contains a booklet for all subject areas. In the cover letter, the work is labelled ‘warm’, ‘hot’ and ‘scorching’. Your child can complete the work that is best suited to their ability and confidence.
If your child has access to the internet and a device, some additional work may also be uploaded to Microsoft Teams by their teachers. Please encourage them to log on and complete this work to give them access to a broad and balanced curriculum. A guide to Microsoft Teams and other remote learning platforms will be published on the website.
Your child’s booklets will be returned to school in approximately two weeks’ time when we will invite you into school to collect a replacement pack of work.
They have been given a weekly schedule and workpack that contains a booklet for almost all of their subject areas. Silent reading has also been factored into their weekly plan so please encourage this. Your child will also have work left over from their previous period of isolation last term and this can also be completed where necessary.
If your child has access to the internet and a device, some additional work may also be uploaded to Microsoft Teams by their teachers. Please encourage them to log on and complete this work to give them access to a broad and balanced curriculum. A guide to Microsoft Teams and other remote learning platforms will be published on the website.
Your child’s booklets will be returned to school in approximately two weeks’ time when we will invite you into school to collect a replacement pack of work.
Year 10 and Year 11
Your child will have received a work schedule and for some subjects such as English Literature, English Language, History, Geography and MFL, a separate work pack.
However, almost all of the work for Year 10 and Year 11 will be sent to your child online. Microsoft Teams is the platform that we are using to set the majority of our work and the children should be familiar and confident in its use. To help you, we have sent a booklet home that explains how to use Microsoft Teams and some other platforms such as Oak National academy. This is also on our website. Maths will be set predominantly on Mathswatch and your child’s Maths teacher will communicate what tasks need to be completed on Mathswatch via Teams. Any issues with their login, please ask them to contact their Maths teacher.
Your child should work through the schedule that has been sent home and log on to Teams to access the relevant lessons. Teams can also be used to communicate with their teachers and this is encouraged.
Your child’s teachers will be contacting them regularly and will be in touch via phone or email if the work they are setting is not completed.
For Year 11 pupils, it is crucial that despite the news about the cancellation of exams, they continue to work incredibly hard. Their teachers will be in touch daily with work that they are expected to complete. Their final GCSE grade will depend very much on the work they produce between now and then, the revision they do, their past and future mock assessment results and the progress they can demonstrate that they are making. Please ensure they remember all of this and push themselves harder than ever.
You will be next invited into school on Friday 22nd January to collect the second set of work for your child. Timings will be issued closer to the time.
Thank you for all of your support.
Mrs Henvey (Assistant Headteacher)