04 Jun
The staff and community of Holy Trinity stand alongside those worldwide who are horrified and appalled at the tragic and unlawful death of George Floyd and by the ensuing violence and damage which has occurred in so many US cities. We remember in our prayers George Floyd and his family, those who are victims of unrest and we pray for peace and order to be restored as soon as possible.
At Holy Trinity we work very closely in partnership with WM Police, local community and faith leaders and the many local communities which we serve. Against the current backdrop of the ongoing pandemic and escalating civil unrest elsewhere, it is more important than ever that we promote and share the common and crucial values of peace, love, justice and harmony in order to work together to keep our communities safe and to give our young people the best opportunities in what is one of the most diverse and cohesive cities in Europe.
We urge all pupils, parents and carers and all of members of our community to make safe and responsible choices to keep themselves and others free from harm and to work closely with all agencies to ensure that at this most challenging of times, we are able to work together to uphold the common human values which ensure that we continue to build strong, just and safe communities even at the most difficult of times.
A copy of the Police statement in relation to the tragic murder of George Floyd can be found on the WM Police website: