21 May
Friday 21st May 2021
Dear Parent(s)/ Carer(s),
Your child should have returned home with a letter informing you of the changes to government legislation surrounding the teaching of Relationships and Sex education (RSE) in all schools from September 2021. Parents are invited to attend an online consultation meeting which will be held virtually via ‘Zoom’ from 3.15pm to 4.15pm on Thursday 27th May 2021. If you would like to attend this meeting, please email a request to KBrown@holytrc.bham.sch.uk.
Mr Crehan, Ms Hodson and other staff will be available to answer any questions that you may have about these changes or the intended curriculum. Parents are also welcome to contact reception should they want to speak to a member of the PSD team in person.
Please find a link to the letters which will outline the topics to be delivered to each year group from September (please note that these maybe subject to change but in the event of any changes, parents will be informed)
Year 7 letter (from September 2021)
Year 8 letter (from September 2021)
Year 9 letter (from September 2021)
Year 10 letter (from September 2021)
Year 11 letter (from September 2021)
If you have any queries, please contact reception.
Best wishes,
Ms Hodson (Assistant Headteacher of Curriculum Development/ SLT link for PSD)