15 May
School continues to make strong progress in disseminating food vouchers that arrived late to school following administrative issues outside of its control. Work will continue on this throughout next week. A lunch is provided each day in school for pupils eligible for a free school meal.
These are challenging times for all of us and please contact school if you require any additional support and we will be happy to help in any way we can. School will continue to provide support in school for youngsters of key workers/youngsters otherwise identified by school as required to be in, during May half-term, including the Bank Holiday Monday (25th).
Following last week’s government announcement, school is making plans to welcome Year 10 pupils to come in for one on one tutorials with members of staff prior to the summer holidays. When plans and dates are finalised for this, we will be providing a detailed set of information for pupils and parents. All plans will be underpinned by the principles of safety and well-being for all.
CrehanCast6 will be recorded in the next couple of weeks with the desire that this goes live for viewing on Wednesday June 3rd. We have written to local residents today about our exciting plans for school expansion (please see attached letter). It is hoped that formal consultation involving all stakeholders will begin on June 1st. Your wonderful support in ensuring that we create the very best educational facilities for your young people is greatly appreciated.
We continue to pray for members of our Muslim community during this blessed and faith filled time of prayer, fasting and spiritual preparedness of Ramadan.
As we approach another weekend, it is important to remember our well-being during these times. Walking and exercise is highly recommended as it provides both strength for body and mind. Our faith and bonds of community continue to work side by side as we nourish the well-being of our spirit.
With every best wish, Mr Crehan.