07 Jul
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
I hope this letter finds you well.
I can now confirm that the funeral service for our staff member, Nadia Ross, will take place on Thursday 14th July in Coventry. Nadia, worked at Holy Trinity for 18 years and supported countless pupils and families through her committed and dedicated service. Nadia, was only 50 when she passed way, following a 6 month courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. May she rest in peace.
As stated previously, the school Governors have agreed for school to be closed on Thursday 14th July, to allow for a very large contingent of staff to travel to the funeral and to pay their respects to a much loved and respected colleague. This is an extraordinary situation and alongside Governors, including two parent representatives, lengthy due diligence has taken place to decide on the most appropriate action. At this point, I feel it important to thank members of our ‘Parent Association’ who provided valuable insight and support in the decision making process.
The plan for Thursday 14th July is as follows:
· Home learning will be organised for all pupils. Learning will be relevant to the curriculum that your child is currently following. This will include both paper based resources and learning materials uploaded onto ‘Microsoft Teams’. Pupils will be provided with instructions and learning materials from their teachers, in the coming days. Pupils are to return work to their teachers for marking.
· Teacher’s will be available virtually on ‘Teams’ or via email from 8.40 – 10.40 during the morning should pupils need any support with work.
· Provision will be available in school for pupils who cannot learn at home for whatever reason. If this applies to your situation, please contact your child’s Head of Year by the end of the day on Tuesday 12th July, for this to be arranged. A small group of colleagues will remain present in school during the day, to educate and safeguard our youngsters. Pupils learning in school will arrive at 8.40am and leave at 3.00pm as normal.
· Lunch is available for pupils who would normally receive a free school meal. Pupils and parents can arrive to collect lunches between 12.15pm – 1.15pm.
If there are any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact school.
Going forward, we will look to carry out a Nadia Ross ‘Memorial Service’ in school, which pupils and parents can attend, to pay their respects. Nadia will also be remembered in our School’s Memorial Garden, alongside Waseem, Alina and Waj, our three much loved pupils who have sadly died in recent years.
Thank you for your continued support, in what is another very challenging time for our school community.
Mr Crehan / Anna Brewer
Headteacher / Chair of Governors