23 Feb
Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s),
Despite your child being asked to learn from home, we are keen that they continue to make progress and have access to all of the exciting, engaging work that they would have access to in school. It may seem strange and somewhat difficult to set up a schedule that mirrors school when working at home but it will hopefully become easier as a routine is established.
On the next three pages you will find the weekly schedule for each year group. Please use these to give your child a structure to their day. By following this schedule, their teachers will know when they are working on each subject and it will make communication easier.
Year 7 and 8 pupils will have booklets for Maths, English, Science, RE, French, History, Geography, Art and Food and Nutrition. The expectation is that all booklets will be completed and returned to school when you are invited into school for the next work collection. These will then be checked by their teachers and relevant follow up work will be put in place.
Lessons for all other subjects will be available online via Microsoft Teams.
In Years 9, 10 and 11, all learning will now move online. Your child’s teachers will be in touch individually about online work and will be checking daily on its completion. Phonecalls and letters will follow where work is not being completed. Year 9 pupils who are struggling to access online work at home due to internet or a lack of devices, please contact school straight away.
Each subject slot in the timetable below is 20-30 minutes of independent work. The rest of the session may involve your child watching a video, a relevant TV programme or reading through a document/ powerpoint sent by their teacher. If your child finishes early, please encourage them to do some reading or to have 5/10 minutes of fresh air.
If your child is struggling, please encourage them to contact their teacher using Microsoft Teams or please don’t hesitate to contact school yourselves.
Thank you for all of your support
Mr Crehan (Headteacher) Mrs Henvey (Assistant Headteacher)
Year 7 weekly schedule
Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:15-10 | English | Maths | English
English | French |
10-11 | History | Art/Music/
Science | Maths | English |
Break | |||||
11:15-12:00 | French | Art/Music/
Food/Computing |
Maths | PE | Geography |
Lunch | |||||
12:30-1:30 | Geography | English | English | Maths
RE |
1:30-2:30 | RE | PE | History | RE | Science |
Year 8 weekly schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
9:15-10am | French
Science | PSD | Geography | RE |
10-11am | Art/Music/
Food/Computing |
PE | Science | French | Maths |
Break | |||||
11:15-12:00 | Music
Maths | History | English | RE |
Lunch | |||||
12:30-1:30 | Art/Music/
Food/Computing |
English | Geography | History | English |
1:30-2:30 | Art/Music/
Food/Computing |
Science | RE | PE | Maths |
Year 9 weekly schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
9:15-10 | Spanish
Science | Science | PE | Science |
10-11 | English | Geography | RE | Art/Music/
Food/Computing |
RE |
Break | |||||
11:15-12:00 | Maths | PE | Spanish | Art/Music/
Food/Computing |
English |
Lunch | |||||
12:30-1:30 | Art/Music/
Food/Computing |
History | Science | English | PSD |
Science | Maths | Maths | Maths | Humanities |
Year 10 weekly schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
9:15-10 | Science
Option A | Science | Maths | Option C |
10-11 | Maths | English | Option B
(Hospitality and Catering group to have a live session on Teams 10-12) |
English | Option B
(Hospitality and Catering group to have a live session on Teams) |
Break | |||||
11:15-12:00 | RE | English | Option B
(SGA PE group to complete their Option A work for Thursday here) |
English | PE
(ABA Option C Sports group to have a live session 11:30-12) |
Lunch | |||||
12:30-1:30 | Science | Option C
(EYA Spanish group to have a live Teams session) |
Maths | Option A
(SGA Option B PE group to have a session live on Teams) |
(This is a live session on Teams) |
English | Option C | RE | Option A | Maths |
Year 10 Option A subjects | Year 10 Option B subjects | Year 10 Option C subjects |
History | History | Triple |
Geography | Geography | Film |
Geography 2 | Hospitality and Catering | Sport |
Photography | PE | Health and Social Care |
Enterprise and Marketing | Computing | Citizenship |
iMedia | Spanish | Art |
Art | Music | Spanish |
Year 11 weekly schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
9:15-10 | Maths
Science | Option A | RE | Maths
10-11 | Science
Science | Option A
(SCH French group to have a live session on Teams) |
English | RE |
Break | |||||
11:15-12:00 | Science
(This is a live session on Teams) |
PE | Option B | Maths | PSD (RJO Option B PE group to have a live session on Teams) |
Lunch | |||||
12:30-1:30 | RE | English | Option B
(RJO Option B PE group to complete PSD here)
English | Option C
1:30-2:30 | Maths | English | Option C (Hospitality and catering group and WHA Sports Studies group to have a session live on Teams) | RE | English |
Year 11 Option A subjects | Year 11 Option B subjects | Year 11 Option C subjects |
History | History | Catering |
Geography | Geography | Art 1 |
Photography | PE | Art 2 |
Computing | Enterprise and Marketing | Sport |
French | Health and Social Care | Citizenship |
Art | Triple Science | |
Film |