19 Sep
Reading Expectations- KS3
Reading is the best way for students to improve their literacy skills. At Holy Trinity, we are dedicated to promoting the importance and enjoyment of reading across all subjects.
To help students and parents understand and support our reading ethos, we have listed some of our minimum expectations for reading below:
All students are expected to read for a minimum of 10 minutes every day.
Students are expected to regularly update their reading books. This should be done as soon as a book is finished. The LRC is open to all students before school (from 8am), break and lunchtime, as well as after school (until 4pm).
Students are expected to bring their reading book to school with them every day. We have created a suggested reading list for all KS3 students. It is recommended that every student from yr7-yr9 will read at least one book from the list during each half term. Some books have been chosen that specifically link to different subject areas and to enhance their understanding of the curriculum. These have been indicated on the lists below.
All books listed are available to borrow in the LRC and can also be accessed digitally using ‘Sora’- an online library which is free for all students to use. To access Sora, search on your web browser and log in using your school email address.
or see below for details
Year 7
Autumn 1:
• ‘Future Friend’- David Baddiel
• The London Eye Mystery- Siobhan Dowd
• ‘Go Big: The Secondary School Survival Guide’- Matthew Burton (PSD
• ‘Skills from Brazil’- Jamie Johnson (PE)
• ‘The Fastest Boy in the World’- Elizabeth Laird (Geography)
Year 8
Autumn 1:
• ‘Ghost’- Jason Reynolds
• ‘Windrush Child’- Benjamin Zepheniah
• ‘The Lie Tree’- Francis Hardinge
• ‘This Book will Cool the Climate’ (Geography)
• ‘Looking after your Mental Health’- Alice James (PSD)
Year 9
Autumn 1:
• ‘Roll of Thunder, Hear Me Cry’- Mildred D.Taylor
• ‘Oliver Twist’- Charles Dickens
• ‘Unheard Voices’- Compiled by Malorie Blackman (History)
• ‘No one is too Small to make a Difference’- Greta Thunberg (Geography)
• ‘How Not to Lose it’- Anna Williamson (PSD)