21 May
Our latest Virtual Choir project is the amazing ‘This is Me’ from the film The Greatest Showman. If you would like to get involved please read the instructions and download the 3 relevant files. If anyone has any issues or questions, you can email Miss Hancock on phancock@holytrc.bham.sch.uk. I look forward to hearing your amazing tracks!
Deadline: Friday 5th June
1. Download the lyrics and the video called ‘This Is Me – Conducting Guide’.
2. Practise singing the melody until you are confident that you can do it correctly and in time with me (you don’t have to know it off by heart)
3. Watch the video called ‘This Is Me – How to record your track’
4. Open up the lyrics and an audio recording app on one device
5. Open up the conducting video on a second device and plug headphones into this one
6. Press record on the first device and swap over to your lyrics
7. On the second device press play on the conducting video
8. Record yourself singing along with my video and save the file
9. Email to me on phancock@holytrc.bham.sch.uk