12 May
We are producing a performance of staff and students at Holy Trinity singing Lord of all Hopefulness and we would like YOU to be involved.
1. Access the guide track and lyrics
2. Plug headphones in
3. Record yourself singing along with my guide track (keep the guide track playing through your headphones the whole time)
4. Email Miss Hancock the audio on phancock@holytrc.bham.sch.uk
5. You could just record the chorus if you don’t want to do the whole song
If anyone has an instrument at home and would like to play along, email me and I can send you extra resources to help you do that.
PLEASE DON’T BE TOO SELF-CONSCIOUS!! Miss Hancock will be the only person who hears your recording, she won’t share it with anyone else and then it will go straight into the final edit where you will be mixed with everyone else. You all have beautiful voices and all we want is some enthusiasm! Please get your family involved if they would like to sing along too.
Please drop me an email on phancock@holytrc.bham.sch.uk if you need anything explaining or you need any help working out what to do.