08 Jun
Following an inspiring suggestion from one of our very own year 10 pupils we would like to get behind supporting the national ‘#EDUCATIONSPEAKSOUT’ campaign.
Our school motto, ‘Learn to Love, Love to Learn’ teaches us that all are equal- there is no difference, we are one people trying to be the best that we can be. Jesus tells us to ‘Love thy neighbor as yourself’- simply, love everybody.
Let’s unite in this message and show that only love can overcome hatred.

On Tuesday 9th June, our staff and pupils will be asked to get their creative juices flowing to produce some pieces of work that celebrate diversity, promote equality and speak out against racism and injustice.
We would like everyone in school and at home to take part. Please see the flyer below for some suggestions on how you and your families could all get involved.

Use the flyer as a starting point! You could carry out some research and present your findings, create a piece of art work, compose some music or write a poem or speech…
We would like to celebrate your hard work and share as much of it as possible, so please send your work to Ms Hodson at vhodson@holytrc.bham.sch.uk. Art work can be photographed and emailed across too!
Have your say!
We would also like to spend the month of June collecting sound bites from pupils, giving you the opportunity to have your say. This could be a positive message about peace, a quote from someone who has inspired you or a simple word that could be combined with many in a collective voice to stand up against injustice and inequality. You can record your voice using the voice recorder on your mobile phone and email the sound file to Ms Hodson at the address above.
I hope as many of you as possible will get involved.
If you have any queries about the project or would like more information about how you could take part, please get in touch with Ms Hodson.
We will look forward to seeing and hearing your entries.
Take care and stay safe.