03 Mar
Dear Parents / Carers,
It is fair to say that progress is being made and that light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer. There is cautious optimism as we look forward to welcoming our wonderful children back to school. It is universally accepted that school is essential for the health, well-being, education and development of all young people.
As a school we continue to follow all safety guidelines to ensure that all are protected and safe in school.
After Friday 5th March, our current provision and curriculum for children currently learning in school will stop in anticipation of a full return for all youngsters the following week. In exceptional circumstances, this could be extended for a small group of children if required based on timings and information shared below. Children that have been in school will follow the same schedule for testing as others in their year group from 8th March.
From Monday 8th March, we welcome youngsters back into school in phased groups, in order to meet the expectations on Covid testing pupils when they return to school. The only exemptions are staff and pupils who are certified as clinically vulnerable and must therefore remain shielded and at home. This information to be obtained from a GP with a full list of the clinically vulnerable criteria provided on Gov.uk website.
Upon a staggered return, pupils are advised to have a first lateral flow test in school and then a further two additional tests 3-5 days apart. Again, both later tests, will happen in school. For the initial and first test, pupils are to receive this in school and return straight home while they await their result. Parents waiting outside to collect will of course be supported. Pupils will then return to school and resume their full-time curriculum the following day if they have received a negative outcome. All pupils are to resume their curriculum at the same time whether testing has been consented to or not.
If any pupils have previously suffered from Covid within the last 90 days of their school return, they will not be required to take a test. Tests are non-mandatory but are recommended by Public Health Officials. This opportunity for testing will provide us with an additional layer of safety in school for pupils, parents and staff. Consent must be obtained from home before school tests any youngster. Please see additional paperwork and return to school either prior to or on the day of your child coming in for their first Covid test.
Return to school Dates after LFT testing.
Monday 8th March | Tuesday 9th March | Wednesday 10th March | Thursday 11th March | |
Mass test | Year 11 and Year 10 | Year 9 and 8
Years 8 and 7
Commencement of round 2 testing |
School start date | Years 10 and 11 return to school- 8.55 start | Year 9 return to school- 8.40 start | Years 7 and 8 return to school- 8.40 start |
Lateral Flow Tests First test. Pupils to attend at the times below. All pupils to return home after test to await negative result. Please bring consent forms- no test can take place without complete consent. Privacy notice is available on the website.
Times | Monday 8th March | Tuesday 9th March | Wednesday 10th March
8.45-10.15 | 11 A
11 S 11E
10.30-12.00 |
11P 11I 11R
7R 7E
12.30-2.00 | 10A
10S 10E
8S 8R |
7P 7S
2.15-3.45 | 10P
10I 10R
8E1 8P
Commencement of test 2 for pupils to commence- all pupils in school by Thursday 11th March. |
After this time-period of testing is completed, pupils are to access two weekly tests that are then administered from home. School will provide tests to families with support and training.
I am delighted that all being well, all youngsters will resume their full-time education at Holy Trinity on Thursday 11th March.
Upon, pupils returning to school, the use of face coverings are to become more widespread including being worn by pupils during lessons and at times where maintaining a 2 metre distance is not possible. Pupils with medical exemptions such as asthma, will not be expected to wear a face mask.
It is our hope and ambition that following a successful reintegration back into school over the coming weeks, we can restore some of our existing customs to allow for more opportunities for pupils to socialise and spend time outdoors. More opportunities for physical activity will be provided. All being well, it is our intention that after Easter, pupils will spend their break and lunchtimes outdoors and order food in a more conventional way from our food serving facilities. Public Health have concluded that transmissibility of the virus comes with less of a risk outdoors which has informed all of our thinking here.
As we progress through these challenging times together, we must be mindful that our continued collaboration and strong working partnership is the only way in which we can overcome the challenges that are faced.
Our school mission has been strengthened during this pandemic, which is to provide all of our pupils with an excellent education, to support them in achieving absolutely anything that they set their ambition for. There are ‘no limits’ to what can be achieved in our school. We must continue to take all proactive and preventative measures to ensure the safety of all. Thank you for your continued diligence in wearing a face covering and maintaining social distance when you visit school.
If your child or any of the household are displaying any of the main symptoms of Covid19, such as a new or continuous cough, a high temperature or fever, a loss or change to taste or smell, you are expected to stay at home, isolate and to seek a test.
School will close for the Easter holidays at 12 noon on Thursday 1st April and school will reopen for the summer term on Tuesday 20th April. Monday 19th April is an INSET day with teachers planning for Year 11 assessment and pending mock exams.
Please look out for further information via text message, pupil email, ‘Microsoft Teams’ messages, or updates to this website.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully,
C Crehan
Mr C Crehan
Headteacher Holy Trinity Catholic School and Accounting Officer: St Teresa of Calcutta Multi-Academy Catholic Company