18 Jun

23rd May 2024


To: Parents/Carers of Students in Year 7 and 8


Dear Parent/Carer,


Cultural Trip Belgium 1st May to 3rd May 2025

I am delighted to announce that next year we will be running a Cultural trip to the First World War Battlefields in Belgium for current Year 7. It will take place from Thursday 1st May to Saturday 3rd May.   The Educational Visit is tailored to fit around our Year 8 and Year 9 studies about World War One and aims to reinforce and enhance student’s knowledge of the experiences of soldiers in the First World War trenches. It will also develop the social and cultural experiences of our pupils. The visit will provide a rich, varied and exciting learning experience.

There are 40 places available and the cost of the visit in total will be £410.00 per student. This is a fantastic special offer and a discounted price, which includes:

  • We will meet at school at 23.00pm on Wednesday 30th April travelling overnight from school to Dover on Thursday 1st May to catch the early morning ferry, giving us more time in Ypres.
  • Return crossing between Dover and Calais.
  • 3 day coach hire
  • 2 night’s accommodation, full board, in the Poppies School Hotel, Ypres, Belgium
  • Tour of Ypres Battlefields including Essex Farm and Pilkem Ridge Gas attacks
  • Visit to Tyne Cot Cemeteries and St Georges Church including an experience local tour guide
  • A visit to the ‘Last Post’ ceremony at Menin Gate
  • A visit to reconstructed trenches at Sanctuary Wood and Hill 62
  • A visit to the Passchendaele Museum and ‘Flanders Fields’ Exhibition
  • An evening of ten pin bowling.
  • A visit to a chocolate shop.
  • A visit to 2 different restaurants to experience Belgium Cuisine.


If your child is a pupil premium child and has free schools meals they are entitled to a discount of 40%.  Their special price is £246.00.

A non-returnable deposit of £50.00 is required to secure a place after which payments may be spread over the next 8 months. Alternatively parents/carers may wish to pay off the balance over a shorter period of time. A typical example of a monthly payment plan may be seen below:

Date Payment    
    PP students (free school meals pupils)  
7th June 2024 Deposit £50.00 Deposit £50.00 *
5th July £40.00 £24.50 *
6th September £40.00 £24.50 *
4th October £40.00 £24.50 *
8th November £40.00 £24.50 *
6th December £50.00 £24.50 *

10th January

£50.00 £24.50 *
7th February £50.00 £24.50 *
7th March £50.00 £24.50 *
Total £410.00 £246.00  

*If your child drops out of the trip at any time you will lose any money which you have already paid as the tour operator is paid at intervals after the initial deposit payment.

If you wish your child to participate in this ‘once in a lifetime’ trip they will need to bring a completed reply slip and initial £50.00 non-returnable deposit for their place to reception. Places will be issued on a first come, first served basis.

The school has a fully comprehensive travel insurance policy for all educational visits organised via Ace Europe, students with pre-existing medical conditions, for example arthritis, heart problems, seizures, severe allergies, rather than the more common conditions such as asthma or eczema will need a letter from the student’s GP or consultant confirming they are fit enough to participate in order for their involvement in the trip to be covered by the insurance policy.

If there are any questions regarding this trip please do not hesitate to contact me via email at hmckiernan@holytrc.bham.sch.uk


Yours faithfully,

Miss H L McKiernan Senior Middle Leader, Head of D and T and Trip Organiser

Mr S Elia (Head of Year 7)

Mrs C Henvey (Assistant Head Teacher/EVC)



REPLY SLIP – TRIP TO BELGIUM, Thursday 1st May to Saturday 3rd May 2025


I give my consent to my child to take part in the trip to Belgium on. Thursday 1st May to Saturday 3rd May 2025.   I enclose the deposit of £50.00 which I understand is non-refundable.

I guarantee that the full payment of £410.00 (£246.00 if PP child) will be made either by instalments or in one lump sum by 7th March 2025. If the balance has not been paid by this date, I understand that I will lose my £50.00 deposit and any further payments made and my child’s place on the trip. If I drop out at any time after paying the initial deposit I understand that I will lose any money which I have already paid in.


Name of Child: ______________________________________________________________

Form: ____________________________________

Signed:______________________________________ (Parent / Carer)

Please print name: ____________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________