04 Mar
There is an enormous amount of information in the Media currently regarding the emerging Coronavirus outbreak world-wide and in the UK.
School receives regular updates from both Public Health England as well as the Local Authority who are monitoring the situation carefully.
There are currently no confirmed cases locally. It is important to remember that even when there are confirmed cases, most people get better with appropriate rest, treatment and care.
The guidance below is a reminder to all about general hygiene and in relation to public health guidance and is not in response to any suspected cases or scares.
The suggestions below are common sense actions with any contractible illness.
Whilst we are not aware of any risk, it is important that we all remain mindful of and practice these simple and necessary precautions which can prevent the spread of virus at home, at work and when out and about.
Preventing the spread of a virus (including coronavirus)
If you need to sneeze or cough:
- Use a tissue to catch it (or the crook / inner elbow of your arm if you do not have a tissue
- Bin the tissue
- Kill any germs by washing your hands with hot soap and water or if this is not available, by using hand sanitiser. (Catch it, Bin it, Kill it!)
Wash your hands often:
- After break and any sporting activities
- Before cooking and or eating
- On
arrival to work (important if you are using public transport)
After using the toilet - Before leaving home
Additional general guidance:
Try to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid sharing items such as cups, bottles
If anyone is unwell, avoid sharing items such as bedding, dishes, pencils and towels
Contact NHS 111 if you have been in contact with anyone who has been in one of the infected areas.