10 May

Courage Compassion Vocation

St. Teresa of Calcutta MAC

Dear Parents,

I am pleased to inform you that on Wednesday 1st May 2019 Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School, Holy Souls Catholic Primary School and Holy Trinity Catholic School successfully converted to become the St Teresa of Calcutta MAC. This has been a long and at times challenging process but it is finally completed. Academy conversion is a Birmingham Diocesan strategy for all of its schools.

Lots of work has been going on in the background over the last two years to ensure that this transition will be successful. I would like to reassure all of you, as we did at our parent consultation evenings, that the individual identities of all three schools will be maintained but via collaboration we anticipate that all three schools will flourish. Above all else the Catholic identity of our schools will remain.

In the next year we anticipate that more local catholic schools will join our MAC and that will further stimulate our success.

The ethos and vision of our new MAC is ‘courage, compassion and vocation’. These are virtues that are closely allied to St. Teresa herself. Like her we want our students to have the courage to challenge themselves to change their world, to have a compassion for others to respect diversity and help those less fortunate, and have a vocation to learning to improve their own lives and become active citizens of the world.

We have enjoyed the support of parents from our communities in the past and I know that will be reinvigorated in our exciting new project.

Glen Alexander | Catholic Senior Executive Lead St Teresa Of Calcutta MAC

Helen Burrows | Headteacher Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School

Rachel Girling | Head teacher Holy Souls Catholic Primary School

Colin Crehan | Head teacher Holy Trinity Catholic School

A copy of this letter can be downloaded here