05 Sep
The staff and governors of Holy Trinity Catholic School, as well as the CEO and Board of Directors of the St Teresa of Calcutta Multi Academy Company (STOC MAC), would like to congratulate Year 11 pupils on an excellent set of GCSE results.
We are thrilled that we have seen an improvement in attainment and progress in the vast majority of subject areas. Watching pupils open their envelopes, alongside staff, with so many smiling faces is testament to the hard work of both pupils and staff over the last five years.
Highlight include:
- The percentage of pupils achieving 9-7 in both English and Maths has increased by 4% last year
- There is a 50 grade increase from last year in pupils achieving grades 9-7
- Pupils in Art, Citizenship, Computing, English Literature, French, Geography, Mathematics, PE, Physics, Chemistry and Combined Science achieved above the national grade 9-4 percentage figure
- 100% of pupils in photography achieved grade 9-4
- Pupils made more than expected progress in RE, PE, Art and Hospitality and Catering amongst many other subjects
- The percentage of pupils achieving grade 9-5 in RE has increased by 31% this year and progress in RE is above the Diocesan average
- The percentage of pupils achieving grade 9-7 in Computer Science, English Language and Maths has doubled this year
- Students made above national progress in multiple areas including the Open Element, lower prior attaining pupils and pupils with Educational Health Care Plans
It has been a privilege to work with Year 11 over the last five years and we wish them the best of luck as they begin their next journey.
Congratulations again Year 11!
One of our superstars, Shaan Sohail is pictured with his sister below on results day. He achieved a magnificent five Grade 9s and four Grade 8s! What a future lies ahead for you Shaan! We are incredibly proud of you.